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#mdx: 1 posts tagged

Next.js with MDX tips: Provide shortcuts to article headings

This tutorial will teach you how to automatically add links to heading tags in your mdx posts on your Next.js site with a plugin called rehype-slug. This should work for most nextJS sites that use MDX for content, as well as many other JavaScript-based sites which use MDX.

This tutorial will teach you how to automatically add links to heading tags in your mdx posts on your Next.js site with a plugin called rehype-slug. This should work for most nextJS sites that use MDX for content, as well as many other JavaScript-based sites which use MDX.

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© 2019-2023 Mike Bifulco

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Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a co-founder & CTO at Craftwork. These are my opinions, and not necessarily the views of my employer.
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